ETC FR - Tournoi qualificatif

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Forum pour les qualifs français ETC

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Le Gob
Mike Hazelwood
24 participants

    Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat


    Messages : 1585
    Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

    Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat - Page 3 Empty Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat

    Message par chtiofonce Jeu 19 Mar - 13:44

    Rappel du premier message :

    Bon les frenchies en partance pour Pragues je vous propose qu'on se fasse UN et UN SEUL thread pour avoir toutes les infos au bon endroit et être au courant de qui fait quoi, partager les bons plans, se retrouver sur place, toussa toussa. Je mettrai à jour le premier post régulièrement.

    * Infos officielles dispo pour ESC + ETC:

    * le site officiel pour les inscriptions ESC + ETC est en construction, on termine tout juste les specifications...vous attendez pas à le voir avant juin. Mais il sera point de passage obligé.

    * pour l'hébergement on est déjà plusieurs à regarder des plans location appart, faites tourner si vous avez des bons plans svp !

    * pour l'avion, cf easyjet au départ de paris

    * en ce qui concerne le mercenariat, je réfléchis encore à comment présenter cette marée française au conseil des pitaines...on pourrais presque faire 3 équipes B à nous seuls et faut surtout pas que ce soit vu comme ça sinon on aura des batons dans les roues. j'ai commencé les prises de contacts pour trouver des spots de mercenariat. Je servirai d'entremetteur autant que possible et de mon mieux comme d'hab. Pour vous "vendre" au mieux il faudra avoir de la chatte sur ce que les pitaines recherche dans leur compo d'équipe. Je vous propose de préciser ce que vous êtes capables de jouer en excluant de préférence ce que vous n'avez pas joué cette saison.

    Surtout on se tiens au jus svp, y compris si désistements / changements de plan. Faudra voir à se faire une french night aussi tankafaire...qui a des talents de GO ?


    liste des candidats au mercenariat par ordre chronologique de candidature reçue  :

    1/ chtiofonce (Tau, AM + I ; des années que j'orga / arbitre cette année je veux faire ma toute première fois de 5 jours de 40k à fond !billet d'avion pris depuis janvier avec les bretons)
    2/ JV (GK; SM+ ELD; ?)
    3/ Archange (SW + DA)
    4/ Teotop (Dem + SMC)
    5/ Neokain (ELD; ELD + ?)
    6/ MikeH (AM + GK)
    7/ Harrycoco (GK + SM)
    8/ Taysir (SoT)
    9/ Attila (?)
    10/ Le Gob (à confirmer; ?)
    11/ Blair_o (imperium)
    12/ Atheh (SW;Eldar)
    13/ yrian (Tau)
    14/ Wild (Démon)
    15/ Isenheim (IK;Tau;eldar)
    16/ mogor (à confirmer; GK/AM)
    17/ Olohme (Eldar/ Eldar + Ik / Eldar + X allié / GK+SM / SW+SM)
    18/ Manolo (?)


    Liste des partants identifiés pour l'ESC only :
    - Kuwanan


    Liste de ceux qui restent à Pragues après :
    - chtiofonce + option Mademoiselle
    - Archange   + option Mademoiselle
    - Kayu ? + option mademoiselle
    - JV + sa loose en option obligatoire


    Messages : 822
    Date d'inscription : 18/12/2011
    Age : 40
    Localisation : Cognac

    Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat - Page 3 Empty Re: Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat

    Message par arc_ange Lun 27 Juil - 17:13

    Soit pas trop hâtif : je te rappel que je dois te montrer comment ça se fait se entre un Wolf et un démon. .. Very Happy

    Messages : 2092
    Date d'inscription : 23/08/2010

    Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat - Page 3 Empty Re: Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat

    Message par throst Ven 31 Juil - 15:17

    Un note informative à tous ceux qui font l'ESC, on devra TOUS installer en amont le logiciel Torrent of Fire sur une tablette / smartphone pour rentrer les résultats (je ne sais pas comment ça se passe quand cela n'est pas possible). Le format papier ne sera donc pas la base cette année. Je remets ici les annonces officielles sur le sujet :

    Dear all,

    This year we have a promising partnership with wargaming pairing online software Torrent of Fire (ToF).
    The goal is to enable electronic collection of results in round to speed up gathering of scores, rounds preparation and rankings publication. ToF has proved its worth in very large sized events, we are preparing carrefully to make this happen, and we are very happy with the level of collaboration with ToF on upgrading ETC experience.

    In order to make this happen we need all entrants to do the following :
    1/ register to Torrent of Fire (see instructions below)
    2/ prepare a smartphone or tablet that can connect to wi-fi for attending the event. This will allow you to declare your scores electronically in round. For team events, one device per team will be enough.

    Please consider this as an additional step required of you to complete you registration

    We have contingency plans in place to allow the event to proceed even in the case of machine-god issues, which means that all games results should be reported both electronically and on traditionnal paper scoring sheets. It's likely that electronic submission will be enough to meet round results submission deadlines, eventhough paper submission will remain mandatory (with a larger tolerance for submission timing). This will all be confirmed at captains briefings.

    I hope you will all recognize this as a great step forward for the comfort of all players and also following fan crowds, so we are counting on you to do your best to contribute to this in following instructions.

    Please make sure to spread the word to ESC attendees as well

    How to register to ToF :
    1. If you don't already have a Torrent of Fire account, create one here:
    2. Once your account is created, go to the tournament and click the "Sign Up" link under "Player Registration" on the top right.
    3. Update/enter any necessary information, including your army or faction
    4. Hit "Save"
    5. Once saved, you need to be approved by the tournament organizer, who will be notified of your sign up.

    Singles 40k:
    Team 40k:

    Singles FoW: ... f-War-2015
    Team FoW: ... f-War-2015

    Singles Fantasy: ... ntasy-2015
    Team Fantasy: ... ntasy-2015

    This piece is written for etc captains but applies at least partly to esc players...please go through it and sorry for the hasty copypaste

    We need all players to sign up individually please.
    Also, please make sure to mention the country you are playing for at ETC in your user profile.

    Eventhough one of the player in the team with coach privileges will be able to enter the ETC results for everyone, we will have to create an individual id for each player before tournament start, and we would much rather that they own it instead of us, because claiming them later will not be easy, which mean they wont be able to report results themselves using their own tablet/smartphone and the wifi on site.

    Please understand, if your players don't register individually we will have to do it for themselves without emails and then it will be difficult to get their login working. This task is planned and will get done but its suboptimal for everyone if players do not signup themselves, so get it done you are the mighty ETC captains for the emperor's sake !

    Remember we are players too, we hate red tape as much as you do. One of the many beauties of using this software is that player a from Country A reports his score on his tablet with the free wi-fi provided on site. His opponent player a from country B does the same. If the scores reported separatly by players Aa and players Ba match, the system auto validate them. Useless to say that captains don't have to enter the scores themselves in this case. Which they can still do instead of a player that won't have a tablet for instance. And of course at referee table you will find admin people who can edit everything.With that done results get chewed much faster by the sytem, published online, and the next round pairings will be up faster too.
    Keeping a paper trail will be constituting a double entry for you yes -sorry for that , but we will keep it minimised, and this is only to be safe from WiFi failure, which is something we are working to minimize too obviously.

    Please follow our lead and have as many of your players as you can sign up to ToF, we are after all the organisers of the event you are attending to so remember to comply to our requests Wink

    NB1 : I updated registration instructions, step 2.a is new, but is only relevant if you did not have succeeded to register already.

    NB2 : you can reset your password here if you lost it ... stpassword

    Pensez à faire tourner l'info aux auters participants que vous connaissez !
    Grand modérateur

    Messages : 1575
    Date d'inscription : 23/01/2011

    Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat - Page 3 Empty Re: Prague 2015 : ESC + Mercenariat

    Message par Olohme40 Mer 5 Aoû - 12:12

    Pour suivre mon périple via Twitter


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      La date/heure actuelle est Lun 6 Mai - 13:50