ETC FR - Tournoi qualificatif

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Forum pour les qualifs français ETC

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7 participants

    Team Américain - news


    Messages : 553
    Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

    Team Américain - news Empty Team Américain - news

    Message par thebs Mer 16 Avr - 22:42


    Messages : 416
    Date d'inscription : 02/11/2010
    Age : 42

    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

    Message par Makai Jeu 17 Avr - 14:27

    I'm sad to know that Greg Sparks does not lead the USA ETC team in 2015.
    I like the new US qualification system with the fact to keep knowledge and keeping speciality players of their country.

    I note every country have the same sentence :
    "We now have more events than we can shake a stick at."
    But there is only one tournament where you can expected playing highest.

    Messages : 1520
    Date d'inscription : 20/08/2010
    Age : 46
    Localisation : Nogent le Roi

    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

    Message par Salgin Jeu 17 Avr - 14:42

    Interesting to know that the new USA Captain is also the last man of the Torrent of Fire Ranking
    Hu  Suspect 



    Messages : 770
    Date d'inscription : 07/02/2012
    Age : 38
    Localisation : Los Angeles - CA - USA

    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

    Message par RabbitMaster Jeu 17 Avr - 17:11

    Ah ! He updated his message, before it was much more smaller than that ! Adrew Gonyo is a nice guy, I don't remember whether I just talked with him or if I played against him

    Salgin a écrit:Interesting to know that the new USA Captain is also the last man of the Torrent of Fire Ranking
    The torrent of fire ranking is kinda weird. It's based on the total number of registered games you had AND on the win % on those games. So it has several flaws (IMHO) :
    - It's easy to be on top when you only had a few games, but won most of them.
    - It doesnt take into account the strengh of your opponents (i.e. it doesn't matter if you won against 10-years olds in a local tournament or if you won against the top players at Adepticon/Nova/FoB/LVO/etc...).
    - Not all tournament are sharing their results with ToF yet (including big ones).

    I think that's why they will not choose players n°5-8 with a ranking system of their own and not with the ToF ranking system.

    Then again, why are we doing this in English ?  Very Happy 

    P.S.: I say they should name n°17 as captain xD

    Dernière édition par RabbitMaster le Jeu 17 Avr - 17:24, édité 1 fois

    Messages : 416
    Date d'inscription : 02/11/2010
    Age : 42

    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

    Message par Makai Jeu 17 Avr - 17:14

    Then again, why are we doing this in English ?
    Why not ?  Smile 

    Messages : 1520
    Date d'inscription : 20/08/2010
    Age : 46
    Localisation : Nogent le Roi

    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

    Message par Salgin Jeu 17 Avr - 17:27

    RabbitMaster a écrit:
    The torrent of fire ranking is kinda weird. It's based on the total number of registered games you had AND on the win % on those games. So it has several flaws (IMHO)

    I doesn't want to discredit A. Gonyo, not at all. Just to show that this specific ranking is not reliable.

    RabbitMaster a écrit:
    P.S.: I say they should name n°17 as captain xD

    It's a trap !  pirat 


    Messages : 443
    Date d'inscription : 18/03/2013
    Age : 40
    Localisation : Hebus

    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

    Message par blair_o Ven 18 Avr - 9:45

    Lol funny, a moment of silence for all those players who think they are fluent in english but still want a qualification system in french and will ask a translation for this topic XD...

    Messages : 1018
    Date d'inscription : 13/05/2012
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Toulouse

    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

    Message par Bubu Ven 18 Avr - 10:03

    Comme ils se la pètent tous...

    Messages : 843
    Date d'inscription : 09/12/2010
    Age : 45

    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

    Message par Fenryll Ven 18 Avr - 11:12

    On m'explique pk tout le monde poste en anglais???

    PS: Pour Blair-o je comprends parfaitement ce qui ets dit hein Smile

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    Team Américain - news Empty Re: Team Américain - news

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      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 19 Mai - 9:06