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Toutes les infos:
Updated proposal with most of the feedback received.
rulepack 2017 draft 1.1
1. Number of detachments
a) limit them
b) no limits
2. Number of Detachments, only valid if 1a is picked
We have two options here, either pick a certain amount per player that can be picked or allow for example a maximum of 18 or say 20 detachments on the team. This again will make teams compromise in some parts and it will benefit the pairing process a little more as it will see teams make different choices and make everything be less cookie-cutter perhaps.
a) limit on player level
b) limit on team level
3. Limit on player level
a) 4 detachments
b) 3 detachments
c) 2 detachments
d) 1 detachment
4. Limit on team level
a) 20 detachments total per team
b) 18 detachments total per team
c) 16 detachments total per team
5. Limit on special type of detachments
It has been suggested to have count special type of detachments like the sons of medusa, the warhost or decurion types as 2 detachments instead of one as they offer a great toolbox and bypass the normal army building structure. This would even the odds a little towards other builds.
a) special type of detachments count as 2 detachments for ETC purposes
b) no changes
6. SHV and GC restrictions
a) lift the restrictions on the number of these that can be taken per list
b) keep current restrictions
7. SHV and GC restrictions, only valid if 6a was chosen
a) no limit
b) each SHV or GC must have a different weapon loadout
8. Alliances at the ETC
a) allow Come the apocalypse alliances
b) disallow come the apocalypse alliances
9. Shall we adjust the pointsize (1850) played at the ETC?
a) Yes
b) No
10. Only valid if 29a was chosen as an option
a) 1700 pts
b) 1600 pts
c) 1500 pts
11. use of Lyanden book
a) allow
b) keep the ban
12. Wipeout at the ETC
a) automatic 20-0 for player achieving the wipeout
b) have the player achieving the wipeout play out his turns and score what points he may
Si vous voulez ouvrir un débat sur un point, pas dans ce sujet svp, mais par là.
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Ne votez que sur les sujets ou vous avez vraiment réfléchi et si vous allez participer au circuit cette année, merci.
Toutes les infos:
Updated proposal with most of the feedback received.
rulepack 2017 draft 1.1
1. Number of detachments
a) limit them
b) no limits
2. Number of Detachments, only valid if 1a is picked
We have two options here, either pick a certain amount per player that can be picked or allow for example a maximum of 18 or say 20 detachments on the team. This again will make teams compromise in some parts and it will benefit the pairing process a little more as it will see teams make different choices and make everything be less cookie-cutter perhaps.
a) limit on player level
b) limit on team level
3. Limit on player level
a) 4 detachments
b) 3 detachments
c) 2 detachments
d) 1 detachment
4. Limit on team level
a) 20 detachments total per team
b) 18 detachments total per team
c) 16 detachments total per team
5. Limit on special type of detachments
It has been suggested to have count special type of detachments like the sons of medusa, the warhost or decurion types as 2 detachments instead of one as they offer a great toolbox and bypass the normal army building structure. This would even the odds a little towards other builds.
a) special type of detachments count as 2 detachments for ETC purposes
b) no changes
6. SHV and GC restrictions
a) lift the restrictions on the number of these that can be taken per list
b) keep current restrictions
7. SHV and GC restrictions, only valid if 6a was chosen
a) no limit
b) each SHV or GC must have a different weapon loadout
8. Alliances at the ETC
a) allow Come the apocalypse alliances
b) disallow come the apocalypse alliances
9. Shall we adjust the pointsize (1850) played at the ETC?
a) Yes
b) No
10. Only valid if 29a was chosen as an option
a) 1700 pts
b) 1600 pts
c) 1500 pts
11. use of Lyanden book
a) allow
b) keep the ban
12. Wipeout at the ETC
a) automatic 20-0 for player achieving the wipeout
b) have the player achieving the wipeout play out his turns and score what points he may
Si vous voulez ouvrir un débat sur un point, pas dans ce sujet svp, mais par là.
Dernière édition par Otto von Gruggen le Ven 9 Sep - 7:38, édité 4 fois (Raison : Retrait du statut annonce)