par madBiker Jeu 20 Aoû - 18:23
Djuro ficele son projet. Ce sera Novembre.
Voilà le truc :
The event is from 11.11. to 15.11.
The entry fee is approx. 11 euro for all 5 days (they hiked it up from last year, sorry for giving u the wrong price in my previous posts) payable in the entrance to the facility for all visitors.
They will give us 700 square meters and more space if we need it in a pavilion dedicated to analogue games (not crowded and quiet)
We will also get chairs, tables for our gaming tables, vip lines for cutting us off from public, projection screen for time and computers, Internet and maybe we can even squeeze in a sound system for non stop chaos gate and similar manly music.
We can ask for more free stuff but the trick is I need to know how many teams are arriving so we can organize ourselves better, the best would be if we had an answer in the next 10 days or so.
(the sooner the better)
We will also have prize support but I don't know what it will be, it can be nice if there is lots of us.
On top of that we will have extra costs for judges, runners, printing, banners, t shirts , data entry guys.
Most important is the terrains and we have here maybe 40 tables and we will need a small budget to make repairs or do some new terrain, hopefully if we need more severian is going to bring his terrain and tables (proper and nice as we only have 40k he can make it much nicer) but we will need to pay for transport from serbia.
The price for all this extra stuff depends on the number of teams attending but it will not be more than 20 euro per player and that is super high, it will only be lower when I make serious budgets and get final number of teams attending, but I think its better to tell you the max price and then lower it than to hike it up 3 days before.
Together with entry price that will make it 31 euro max for 5 days per player, coaches and non playing people will only pay entry fee of 11 Euro.
I will also find deals for hostels (but nice ones) for 10 euro per person and will find a few hotels with special prices for us, there is also a possibility of renting apartments which would be suitable for whole teams which would cost maybe 40 euro per day, and I will also try to organize free transport from airport to your hotels and at least a few litres of beer per player per day for free.