en accord avec Madbiker, je retranscris ici un vote qui concerne la règle "coordinated firepower". Le contexte, c'est que le Rules Council n'arrive pas à trancher d'un point de vue rulistique pur. Du coup ils font appel aux avis de la communauté afin de trancher dans le sens de la majorité, et du coup pour répondre, on a besoin de vous.
Comment se déroule le vote :
- seuls les capitaines sont autorisés à voter. Il y a autant de voix potentielles que d'équipes. Aux capitaines d'organiser la communication interne pour répondre dans les temps, ou de répondre en leur âme et conscience au nom de leur team. En cas d'absence du capitaine, c'est au lieutenant/suppléant de s'exprimer au nom de la team.
- le vote est ouvert jusqu'au lundi 16 Novembre Minuit.
- tout vote posté après ce délai (heure du forum), ou vote multiples (plusieurs réponse pour une même team) ne sera pas considéré
- on prendra la majorité des votes pour chacune des réponses.
- je comptabiliserai les votes dans ce sujet, ainsi que les teams "a voté/à voter".
- comme écrit dans le sujet de vote, il faut ici répondre en "l'interprétation rulistique est ça", et pas tenter de faire de l'équilibrage de codex. En effet, la logique de raisonnement sera fort probablement reprise pour de prochaines question de règles qui seront directement tranchées par le rules-council.
On risque fort d'avoir d'autres votes à courte échéance, il faudra donc être très réactif pour que le vote soit représentatif.
Le message du vote :
Hey guys,
We have gotten a million of requests already for how this is going to be FAQed at the ETC this year. Since finding a consensus is hard the captains council will have to bite the bullet on how this is going to be played at the ETC.
Special Vote: The Interaction of "Coordinated Firepower" and Unit Wide Effects
Duration: Wednesday November 11th to Tuesday November 17th, 23:59 forum time.
Background: There has recently been discussion on how to play the Coordinated Firepower rule from the new Tau Codex in conjunction with the Tau Signature Systems, Dark Strider's Structural Anaylzer rule, and the Cadre FireBlade Volley Fire Rule. Rules text for each pertinent rule is below.
Coordinated Firepower
Whenever a unit from the Hunter Contingent selects a target in the shooting phase, any number of other units from the same detachment who can still shoot can add their firepower to the attack. These units must shoot the same target, resolving their shoots as if they were a single unit - this includes the use of markerlight abilities. When 3 or more units combine their firepower, the firing models add 1 to their ballistic skill
Command and Control Node, Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suite
"if a model with a (C&C/MSSS) does not shoot in the shooting phase, all shooting attacks made by other models in his unit gain the (twin-linked/ignores cover)"
Puretide Engram Neurochip
"At the start of the bearer's movement phase, choose one of the following special rules: Counter-attack, furious charge, monster hunter, stubborn, or tank hunters. The model with the Puretide Engram Neurochip has that special rule until the start of his next movement phase."
Darkstrider - Structural Analyser
When Darkstrider targets a non-vehicle enemy unit with a shooting attack, that unit suffers -1 T against hits from that shooting attack - this applies to Darkstrider's entire unit's shooting attacks, not just his own. Note: While DarkStrider cannot be part of a Hunter Cadre, he could join a unit from a Hunter Cadre. This will be covered in a separate vote below.
Cadre Fireblade - Volley Fire
If the Cadre Fireblade, and every model in his unit, remains stationary in the movement phase, their pulse rifles and pulse carbines each fire an additional shot in the shooting phase. Note: this would require all models benefiting to be stationary, so if "his unit" is decided to be the entire unit re: coordinated firepower, then *all* of them would have to be stationary for this rule to work.
Vote 1: Which option do you feel is how it should be played. Please vote based on how you read the rules. While there is some allowance for RAI since this is a bit muddy in some people's opinion, please do not vote solely because you feel one way is "too powerful" or "they need the help".
A) The Signature Systems and similar unit wide effects transfer via the coordinated fire rule. See vote 1a if this option is chosen for restrictions on how they transfer (this will cover target locks and GC split fire).
B) The Signature Systems and similar unit wide buffs do not confer outside of his own unit. The only thing that units firing as part of his attack gain is the potential +1BS and ability to share markerlights.
Vote 1a: Only applies if option A is chosen above. Please vote your preference regardless of how you voted above:
A) Unit Wide effects apply to all contributing units, even if they use target locks to split fire as “fire as if a single unit” and the tau chips state “his unit..”
B) Units firing at the target of the coordinated firepower attack gain the buffs through coordinated firepower, however, any models or weapons that use target locks or the Gargantuan Creature "Split Fire" rule will not benefit from the bonuses of the cooordinated firepower attack on shots that are not directed at the primary target.
Vote 2: Does the "Structural Analyzer" rule Dark Strider provides work with a coordinated firepower attack since he is not a "units from the same detachment" per the coordinated firepower rule?
A) Yes, if he joins a unit from the Hunter Contingent, he becomes a part of the unit and as such his special rule is a "unit wide effect" per Vote 1A and would confer.
B) No, he is not part of the hunter contingent and as such a unit he joins is not "a unit from the same detachment" per the coordinated firepower rule, so his special rule would not confer via coordinated firepower.
Résultats du vote :
- A voté :
Cadets de Gascogne(Chabalou)
Bisounours (LexA)
Croisade provençale(Azz)
Croisés occitans(Bubu)
Dogs of War (O be One)
FOX (Voljoun)
Les Warriors (Drako)
MWF (Armandou)
Tielle Team(Croco)
- A voté trop tard :
Les Arvengers(K-lyse)
Mogway (Atheh)
Mogway 2 (Blair'O)
- Non voté :
Cadets de Gascogne 2(Skyman)
Grenadiers de l'Essonne (Aedarian)
Légion Havraise (Skaf)
MonsterCoq (Bromotimol)
Playboyz (Hiso)
RTFM Givré(Le Gob)
Team Bô jeu (cafard)
Team Louze (JV)
Vote 1 :
A : 1
B : 10
C : 0
Vote 2 :
A : 0
B : 11
C : 0
Vote 3 :
A : 0
B : 11
C : 0
=> Vote France : B B B
Dernière édition par throst le Mar 17 Nov - 13:34, édité 4 fois